Willpower or The Sinclair Method: Powerful Sinclair Method Testimony
Apr 20, 2023Recently I received this message from somebody who used the Sinclair Method (TSM) to overcome alcohol use disorder.
It was so impactful and relatable that I asked if I could share it – and they gave me permission to.
Here it is. I hope it touches you like it did me.
My dad did AA and totally disapproves of me doing this [TSM]. He keeps on hammering that willpower and talks are 'the only' way.
But I've been on the method now for almost a year, and I have never ever drank this little with so much space in between (since I was about 15-16 [years old] – so that's over 20 years [ago]).
I have hick ups but never ever to the likeness of when I only had willpower.
Willpower was me crying my head out with a glass in hand not wanting it there.
Willpower was me not going to weddings afraid I was going to make an ass out of myself and my partner.
Willpower was me endlessly having conversations with myself to stay off the booze (so much so that I couldn't focus on my work, on conversations, on daily tasks).
Willpower was me not asking my boyfriend to come over because I felt it was going to be a bad day and I didn't want the shame of him seeing me get comatose.
Willpower gave me – at most – three exhausting days where my body could get a bit of rest but my head would be screaming, non stop.
I remember the first time I left my third glass of wine and thought, "F**k, it seems like I could have some tea. Let me just try it. The wine is still there just in case I need it."
And I got up the next morning with the third glass and a half empty bottle still standing.
I had willpower, but before it was no match to what was living in my head. At that moment, TSM had matched my willpower to my head.
Traditional treatments would have inevitably been just one step more between me and a hospital or final resting place.
People need to be informed that they have so many more options.
For me, this saved my life, my peace of mind, my health, my time! I get up early, I work out, I'm rested, I don't have pain everywhere, I remember my days.... I wish I knew about this years ago, I wish it didn't take me a year asking my doctors to get it, I wish it was more widespread.
So many people are suffering, needlessly. Thanks for your videos Katie, and also Claudia. You guys have saved my life, I would not have known about it if you weren't so public with your experience and message.
5 Things to Know Before Going on Medication for Problem Drinking
In this article, we are going to share 5 important things for you to know before you start medication treatment for problem drinking. We'll focus specifically on naltrexone following The Sinclair Method.