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Naltrexone in the News!

naltrexone Feb 16, 2023
Reading newspaper

I'm excited at the fact that naltrexone has been mentioned in several news publications this week! 🙌 

It's encouraging to see because even though naltrexone has been known to be an effective treatment for AUD for decades, it does not get the attention it deserves (don't even get me started). 

However, a recent study was conducted that showed how this medication can help those who experience AUD, so it's making the headlines...hooray!

I wanted to share some of these recent stories with you all – and I am also linking a couple of older media mentions as well about this powerful medication. 

Recent media mentions of naltrexone:

 Previous media mentions of naltrexone:

These stories definitely give credibility to this treatment (as do the thousands of medical papers researching the use of this medicine for AUD) – especially if you have a loved one who is skeptical about TSM.




5 Things to Know Before Going on Medication for Problem Drinking

In this article, we are going to share 5 important things for you to know before you start medication treatment for problem drinking. We'll focus specifically on naltrexone following The Sinclair Method.

Learn more