3 Secrets to Success With The Sinclair Method
Nov 03, 2023
To be honest – it's hard to convey the secrets to success with the Sinclair Method (TSM) in one post.
What I hope to do is plant some seeds to get you thinking about these things so you can get FREE from problem drinking through TSM just like me and countless others have.
One of our Thrive coaches and TSM success story Samara came to visit and we met in person for the first time (photo included). š¤
We went whale watching and had a LONG conversation about what it took for us to be successful with this method... and why we believe some don't see success.
I could spend hours diving into this with you – but ultimately it boiled down to 3 things:
- š„ DESIRE: Being a 10 out of 10 – 100% ready to make this change. Being so fed up with your current relationship with alcohol that you're ready to do whatever it takes to succeed on TSM.
- š VISION & PURPOSE: Having a purpose and vision that you're working toward which heavy drinking has kept you from. Being able to see and hold onto the vision of who you will BE when alcohol use disorder is behind you. You must have a bigger purpose you're working toward, or else...what's the point in changing anything?
- š QUESTIONING YOUR BELIEFS: Pre-existing (and likely unconscious) beliefs about who you are and alcohol's role in your life can keep you stuck on TSM. Oftentimes, these beliefs do NOT align with the version of you that no longer has AUD. You must become aware of, question, challenge and change your (unhelpful) beliefs.
These are all topics we're constantly talking about and helping our members through in our program. To join us, click here.